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5 posts tagged with "Image Optimization"

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· Updated on · 25 min read

'Responsive images' is an umbrella term for a number of image optimization techniques that allow web designers and frontend developers to reduce page weight, improve site speed, and enhance user experience.

As image weight impacts your Largest Contentful Paint score, one of Google's Core Web Vitals metrics included in its search algorithm, you can also improve your SEO rankings by using responsive images.

Since images are a key aspect of web performance, in this article, we'll look into responsive images in detail, including their pros and cons, a handful of code examples, a couple of recommendations, and a bit of theory related to the subject.

· Updated on · 17 min read

Choosing the right image format is the first and most important step when it comes to image performance. We want our websites to load fast, but we also want our images to look good. Balancing these two concerns is the core of image performance.

Image formats are file types for digital graphics that have evolved over time to make use of new software and hardware technologies and faster networks. These days we have plenty of options to choose from, including file types for raster images, animations, vector graphics, and next-generation images.

In this article, we’ll look into the most important image formats for the web and help you decide when to use which image file type.