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· 3 min read

Better privacy with the RUM proxy, a new way of creating Page Groups, and improvements to the Engagement tab. Here's what's new in DebugBear for June 2024.

· 5 min read

A new Optimize tab, better detection of parser blocking resources, the RUM Metrics API, and more educational content. Here's what's new in DebugBear for May 2024.

· 3 min read

We've improved our debug data for INP, surfaced request priority changes more clearly, added reporting for CrUX navigation types, and added two new test locations.

· 2 min read

Better dashboards to analyze LCP and INP, recommended experiments, and an easier monitoring setup with a website scan.

· 2 min read

We've improved our real user monitoring dashboards, improved the request waterfalls in our lab tests, and published loads of new content.

· 2 min read

We've expanded our RUM data to include LCP sub-parts and long animation frames. Plus we've published 5 new articles about web performance.

· 2 min read

We've launched a free INP debugger, added a RUM Core Web Vitals map, and added website favicons to make it easier to find your projects.

· One min read

Get more data to debug slow real user experience, correlate page speed with bounce rate, configure RUM page groups and domains, and compare test results more easily.

· 2 min read

Better page speed experiments, real-user percentile trends and LCP element preview, and upgrades to Chrome and Lighthouse.

· 2 min read

CrUX history data, new compare UI, more detailed data exports, better debug data for priority changes and preload headers.

· One min read

We've updated the dashboard design, added support for reordering pages, added a metric trends tooltip, and now support read-only API keys.

· 2 min read

Use the metric groups feature to customize your site speed dashboards. We've also upgraded Lighthouse and improved our performance recommendations.

· 2 min read

You can now export test results as MP4, edit advanced settings like cookies more easily, and get a breakdown of the Lighthouse Performance score.

· 2 min read

Better request initiator data, new test locations, and a chrome extension that surfaces observed metrics on PageSpeed Insights.

· 3 min read

Debug each performance metric, view a video recording of the page load process, better Lighthouse audit comparisons, and more on SSL certificates.

· 2 min read

Tracking Google's New Interaction to Next Paint metric, an updated request waterfall, and monthly trends data.

· 2 min read

Test the performance of warm loads, view request headers and response bodies, and collapse the sidebar to focus on metric data.

· 2 min read

November brought a bunch of UX improvements, including the ability to set up monitoring for multiple test locations and devices at once.

· One min read

Performance test results now include a timeline showing a rendering filmstrip and CPU tasks. You now also disable scheduled tests for monitored pages.

· 2 min read

Lighthouse has been upgraded to version 6, introducing new performance metrics.

· One min read

DebugBear now validates the page HTML, in addition to testing site speed and Lighthouse scores.

· One min read

You can now run user flows before testing a page, for example to add an item to an ecommerce basket or go through a booking flow.