Monitor And Improve The Speed Of Your Website

A fast website will delight your customers and help you rank higher in Google.

Use in-depth reports to make your website faster and get alerts if there's a problem.

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Page speed monitoring dashboard
”We've updated around 15,000 pages and saw some nice gains from it. "Good URLs" and their impressions have increased 3x since implementation.“
Web performance monitoring user profile picture
Rafayel Begoyan
Senior SEO Specialist at CoinStats
CoinStats logo
”We love DebugBear. It has proven useful time and time again. I evaluated the different competitors and DebugBear was the best overall product.“
Web peformance monitoring user profile picture
Rafael Corral
Senior Software Engineer
Medium logo
Trusted By Hundreds Of Happy Customers
DebugBear Customers DebugBear Customers

Website speed monitoring

Why is website speed important?

Google uses the Core Web Vitals metrics as a search engine ranking factor. Fast website also see higher conversion rates on ecommerce sites.

Website speed monitoring your can rely on

DebugBear continuously checks the loading speed of your website from over 20 global test locations. We provide high-quality metrics and detailed reports to help you understand the numbers mean.

If there's a site speed problem we'll report it by email, in Slack, or in Microsoft Teams.

Site speed monitoring trends

Website speed optimization

Filmstrip and video views

See how users experience your website and communicate issues to clients or other team members.

Request waterfall with context

Our request waterfall not only shows what requests are made when but also shows which requests are render-blocking or preloaded.

Plus all this data is put into context by showing integrating a filmstrip showing rendering progress and CPU tasks per request.

Request waterfall for improving site speed

Site speed recommendations

Make your website load faster

DebugBear shows custom performance optimizations tailored to your website as part of each site speed test result.

Full Lighthouse report

In addition to running our own tests we also generate a full test report based on Google's Lighthouse tool. View and improve scores for Performance, Accessibility, and SEO.

Recommendation to improve Largest Contentful Paint

Start Monitoring Site Speed

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