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April 2021 release notes

· 2 min read

Test the performance of warm loads, view request headers and response bodies, and collapse the sidebar to focus on metric data.

Testing warm load performance

By default, DebugBear tests how fast a website loads the first time someone visits it. But for regular users performance will be better, as some page resources can be loaded from the browser cache.

You can now track the performance of these warm loads. Just check Disable clearing cache in the advanced page settings.

Testing warm loads in DebugBear

Better request diffs

DebugBear now shows request headers and response bodies directly in the requests table.

DebugBear response headers

You can also prettify JavaScript, JSON, CSS, and HTML responses to see exactly what changed.

Pretty HTML diff

Collapsible sidebar

Collapse the sidebar to leave more space for charts and performance analysis. This also hides the chat widget, so it doesn't overlap content you want to see.

Sidebar collapsed

New blog posts

Web Vitals FAQ – learn what Google has to say about the metrics that will impact search rankings from May 2021.

Common problems with rel="preload" – preload link tags can tell the browser what files it should prioritize, but sometimes they make the browser prioritize the wrong things, slowing down page performance

New performance docs

Time to Interactive – when do CPU and network become idle?

First Input Delay – how quickly does your page start processing user input?

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