The Cumulative Layout Shift metric is one of Google's three Core Web Vitals. The web vitals assess user experience on a website, and are also used as a ranking factor.
But how do you actually fix large layout shifts on your website? In this article we'll look at three real-world pages with poor CLS, investigate the cause of the shift, and identify a fix.
What are large layout shifts?
Large layout shifts are the biggest instances of content shifting around on your page after rendering. Here's an example of a large layout shift:
The content highlighted by the red box is getting bigger and is moving down on the page. And because of that the content below, highlighted in green, it is shifting as well.
This causes a poor user experience, as the user has to reorient themselves on the page. If the tried to click on the orange button that button has now moved and they have to try again.
Detect large layout shifts with Lighthouse
To see if your website has large layout shifts during the initial page load, you can easily run a Lighthouse test with a tool like PageSpeed Insights or the free DebugBear speed test.
Once your test is complete, scroll down to the Diagnostics section. To make finding the right audit easier, select the CLS metric next to the "Show audits relevant to" label.
Now click on the Avoid large layout shifts audit to expand it and see what content is shifting around on your page.
Layout shifts when images start to load
Let's run a website test to measure CLS during the loading process of our first website.
If we investigate the CLS score we can see that some boxes become larger about 1.2 seconds after the page starts to load. Here's what the page looks like before and after the layout shift. The content below the four boxes is shifting down.
Why do the boxes become bigger? The images contained in them are getting starting to load, so the browser now knows their dimensions and displays them at the correct size. We can see that's the case when looking at what the page looks like after the four images have loaded.
What exactly is causing the layout shift here?
- The page starts to render, but the browser hasn't downloaded the images yet and doesn't know their size
- Therefore the size of the container boxes changes during the page load process
There are two ways we can fix that:
- Ensure the images load earlier
- Tell the browser about the image size before they are loaded
Load images before the page starts to render
A common reason for layout shifts is that content appears before its fully loaded. Generally that's good, as otherwise users wait longer for the page to load and you get a worse Largest Contentful Paint score.
But often there's no good reason to delay loading the image. When we look at this page we notice that the images are lazy loaded even though they appear above the fold on the page.
Lazy loaded images are only fetched by the browser when it becomes clear that the images are in the viewport. But in this case that practically guarantees that when the page first renders the images won't have loaded yet!
What can we do to fix that? The first step is to remove the loading="lazy"
attribute from images that we know will appear near the top of the page.
Second, we could add the fetchpriority="high"
attribute to these images, so that the browser knows they should be downloaded early.
By making these changes the images will have started to load most of the time when the page starts rendering, and even if the download hasn't finished yet the browser will know what their final size will be.
Lets' try out disabling the lazy loading with DebugBear experiments. If we look at the rendering progress side by side we can see that, when the page starts rendering with lazy loading disabled, the boxes are already sized appropriately as the images have started to load.
As a result we see a significant reduction in the CLS score:
Set an explicit width and height for image elements
The other way to fix this issue is to make sure the browser can render the images at the correct size even before the images have started to load.
One way to achieve this is adding specific width
and height
on the image tag:
<img src="./example.png" width="336" height="168" />
However, this won't work if your images resize responsively. In that case you can instead use the CSS aspect-ratio
<img src="./example.png" style="width: 100%; aspect-ratio: 2 / 1;" />
JavaScript widgets pushing down content
Let's look at another common cause of layout shifts: JavaScript widgets that are embedded on the place.
You can see an example here. On the left we see a loading spinner. On the right we see the rendered widget on the page.
When the widget appears the page footer, highlighted in blue, is pushed down. To fix this we can apply a minimum height to the spinner element, so that the footer is always outside of the viewport.
Identifying the placeholder element that needs a minimum height can be tricky. One trick is to slowly load the page in Chrome DevTools and pause loading when the spinner becomes visible. You can then inspect the page contents and identify the spinner container.
Fixing this code resolves the issue:
.spinner {
min-height: 800px;
We can again try out this fix with a DebugBear experiment. With the new larger spinner container, the footer no longer briefly appears before being pushed out of the viewport.
And now the CLS issue on this website is fully resolved! 🎉
Watch this video for a detailed walk-through of how to investigate this issue and identify a solution.
Web fonts causing layout shifts
Here's our final example. There's a banner at the top of the page. At first the button on the banner is on its own line, before then moving up to be on the same line as the text.
Why does the button move around? Again, it's helpful to pause the page load to compare the early page layout to the final layout. By doing that we can see that the applied font of the banner text changes.
Here's what we see before and after when looking at the Rendered Fonts section of the Computed Style pane in Chrome DevTools.
This font change results in a small size change for the banner text, which means the button now fits on the same line as the text.
Why does the font change at all? The second font is a web font that has to be loaded from the internet, while the first font is installed locally. At first the browser falls back to the locally available font, but it switches over once the font is fully loaded.
How do we fix this? One quick solution is just to tweak the padding or font size on the banner so that there's always enough space for the button. But you can also adjust the size of the fallback font to match the final font more closely.
Again we can try this out on DebugBear. We'll add this style to the page to reduce the font size little.
After the fix the button always appears on the same line as the text and the Cumulative Layout Shift issue on the page is resolved.
How to avoid large layout shifts
In summary, to fix large layout shifts on your website you need to achieve the opposite: visual stability.
That means when content appears:
- It should be immediately clear to the browser how much space it needs
- You need to be careful when inserting new page content after the initial load
Google recently improved the ability of Lighthouse to identify root causes of layout shift, rather than just highlighting the shifts themselves. In some cases the cause of the layout shift will be unattributable, but let's review two specific causes of layout shift the Lighthouse can identify.
Media element lacking an explicit size
If CLS is caused by a media element not having an explicit size, you can add the width
and height
attributes to the image so the browser can immediately render it at the right size. Check out Google's advice on images without dimensions.
Lighthouse also includes a specific "Image elements do not have explicit width and height" audit. However, these images are not necessarily causing layout shift (for example if they're placed below the fold).
A late network request adjusted the page layout
Lighthouse also points out when the layout changes after a new resource has been loaded by showing an "A late network request adjusted the page layout" message..
To see if a request is really causing the issue, try blocking the request in Chrome DevTools. Then reload the page with the request blocked and see if that fixes the issue.
You probably don't want to block additional code from loading on your website. But identifying the request that causes the layout shift is the first step to understanding why the layout is changing.
Fix CLS on your website with CrUX and RUM data
DebugBear can help you track CLS and other Core Web Vitals on your website. See how you're doing compared to your competitors and what you can do to fix poor user experience.
For example, our CrUX Trends dashboard makes it easy to benchmark your website and see how you stack up to competitors in your industry.
CrUX data is the data from Google's Chrome User Experience Report that impacts SEO.
Need insight to fix your web vitals? Layout shift doesn't just happen during the initial page load, but also after user interactions like scrolling down the page or clicking on a menu.
DebugBear's real user monitoring feature allows you to identify these layout shifts by measuring them for real visitors. You can then view debug details like scroll position and recent page interactions.

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- In-depth Page Speed Reports
- Automated Recommendations
- Real User Analytics Data