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Getting started with the API/CLI

This guide will explain:

  • How to install the debugbear node module
  • How to generate project and admin API keys
  • How to find page IDs

Generating an API key

Project API keys

Use a project API key to trigger page tests, for example as part of your CI process.

You can generate an key in the Integrations under the API Keys heading.

Generate API key button in the Integrations tab

Admin API keys

Use an admin API key to set up pages for monitoring and manage projects.

You can generate an Admin API key in your account settings. You need to be an admin for this organization to be able to generate the key.

Admin API tab in account settings

API key permissions

API keys can have full access or read-only access. Read-only API keys cannot trigger tests or create projects, pages, or annotations.

How to make API requests

There are three ways to use the DebugBear API:

  • Making an HTTP request directly with an x-api-key header
  • Using the command line interface from the debugbear NPM module
  • Using the Node API from the debugbear NPM module

Install debugbear from NPM

You can either make HTTP requests directly or use the debugbear command-line interface (CLI) and node module.

Run this in the terminal to globally install the CLI:

npm install -g debugbear

Or if you are using the Node API, install debugbear in your local node_modules:

npm install debugbear --save-dev

Finding the page ID

To identify the page you want to test you need to pass in a pageId argument.

You can find this ID at the top of the Page Settings tab.

page id next to the page edit button