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Page Groups

Creating a Page Group in RUM allows you to filter through data to see how a section of your website is performing.

Create A Page Group

To create a group, navigate to the RUM tab and then click Create Page Group.

Create page group

Then name your group and select the page match type. A page can only be included in one group.

URL Wildcard

When adding a path, you can use an asterisk as a wildcard to match any character other than /.

In the example below /docs/* matches /docs/article but not /docs/feature/article.

One asterisk path

Adding two asterisks will match both /docs/article and /docs/feature/article.

Two asterisk path

Once you've added all of the paths that you want to include in your group, click Save.

If you want to check if a specific URL has been included in a group, you can click the Test Page Group Rules then add your path or URL. If it's included in a group then the result will appear to the right.

You can prevent data being collected for pages in a page group by checking Exclude Matching Page Views From RUM Data.

Test page group rules

Full URL Regular Expression

Selecting Full URL RegExp from the dropdown will allow you to create a page group based on a regular expression that matches the full page URL, including the domain name and any query parameters.

The full domain including the website origin and query parameters might look like this: For your regular expression to match the whole URL you might want to use the .* pattern at the start and end of the expression. For example, .*/about\?utm_campaign.* will match any about page with the utm_campaign query parameter regardless of the domain name or any query parameters that follow.

Any visits matching this expression will be included in the page group.

Full URL RegExp

CSS Selector

You can also create a page group based on a CSS selector. Here we have selected all pages that contain an element with a CSS ID of product.

CSS Selector

Once you've added the CSS selector that you would like to use, click Save.

View Results

Once your page group has been created it is available as a filter when looking at RUM data.

Navigate to the data that you want to view from the sidebar, in this example we have chosen experiences. Then toggle the filter option on.

Filter results

Select Page Group as your property.

Select page group property

Then select your desired page group from the drop down and click Apply Filter.

Apply filter

A page group chart can also be found in metrics tabs such as LCP. Click the bar of the group that you want to view to apply the filter.

Page group chart