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Website Scan

DebugBear can scan your website and make it very easy to set up monitoring for many of your website's pages all at once. After running a website scan, you will be able to easily filter and pick the pages you want to test, and add them to the monitor in bulk.

Adding pages with a website scan

  1. In the project Pages dashboard, click on the Add Page button.
  2. Click the Scan Website tab at the top of the form.

Find the Website Scan feature

  1. Enter a domain to scan, and click Start Scan. DebugBear will take a few seconds to scan your site and then present the results.

Enter a URL to scan

  1. Use the search filter to select the pages you want to test, or simply select them one by one. When ready, click on the Add Pages button.

Select pages to scan

  1. Configure the test for the selected pages (Device, Location, Frequency, etc...) and click Add Pages


  • Creating a project is required prior to adding a new page or running a website scan.
  • Having a sitemap is required to successfully run a website scan. This can either be in the root of your site as sitemap.xml, or specified in robots.txt if located in a another directory or using a different name.
  • The scan will be performed from the root of the provided URL.