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Microsoft Teams integration

The Microsoft Teams integration can send page alerts to a Microsoft Teams channel.

Website performance alert in Microsoft Teams

Setting up the Microsoft Teams integration

  1. Click Project Settings then the Integrations on your project dashboard

Create Teams integration

  1. In the Microsoft Teams section click Create integration

  2. Open the Microsoft Teams desktop app

  3. Open the menu in the top right corner and click Connectors

Microsoft Teams connectors

  1. Find the Incoming Webhook connector and click Configure

Microsoft Teams incoming webhook connector

  1. Enter a name for the connector

Configuring the Teams Webhook connector

  1. Click Create

  2. Copy the webhook URL and click Done

Webhook URL in Microsoft Teams

  1. Return to the DebugBear website

  2. Paste the webhook URL in the Webhook URL field

  3. Click Save

Microsoft Teams webhook URL on DebugBear

The Microsoft Teams integration is now set up and alerts will be sent to the Teams channel where the connector was set up.

Configuring the integration

By default alerts will be sent for large changes and breached performance budgets. Click the gear icon next to the integration to configure when alerts are sent.

Configure button

You can now customize the alert conditions, mute noisy alerts, or enable alerts only for specific pages.

Alert configuration options